Brotha 2 Brotha provides a safe haven for men battling drug addiction, homelessness, and less fortunate circumstances.

Brotha 2 Brotha was started by a current BDC employee, Teddy Boyd!

Brotha 2 Brotha runs a Drop-In Center, which is a safe space where men have the opportunity to eat a meal, take a shower, rest, develop healthy relationships, and receive referrals to resources and support organizations. 

Other services offered at the Drop-In Center are free clothing, haircuts, prayer, and bible studies.


Tuesdays from 6:00pm-8:00pm

Every first Saturday from 2:00pm-4:00pm


If you would like to donate to Brotha 2 Brotha, click on our donation page and select “Brotha 2 Brotha” as the campaign!


Phone Number: (901) 643-4370